Xenojiiva was the dragon that became the sapphire star, and Namielle was the dragon that made streams and scattered it's scales to make rain. Hopefully the reveal of Namielle means the rest of the five dragons will be in iceborne
Is NOBODY else concerned in the slightest about the Huntsman getting hurt saving FTL from Velkhana? I know I am... and if he dies, I will make Velkhana suffer.
sweet, ending looks like a water elder dragon
Brachydios! 1:33 is back!
I hear Eden Riegel's beautiful voice and you already have all my interest and attention😍😍 Great voice actress, she was so good in the original and I can't wait to hear more of her beautiful voice in Iceborne.
I can’t believe I only bought this game for 20 dollars.
also there is a reason why they did not make anymore mega man games in a long time: It sums up to nobody wanting to take the mantle when it came to Mega Man because of the legacy behind it. And when they had gotten a director, before the games development he made them play every Mega Man game, including X6. Pretty cool how dedicated they were to delivering a great game.
Woah! What was that thing at the end! Some kind of crustacean? It looks cool! And was that a teaser for its theme? Cause it sounds cool
yes o my god yes capcom, what are you smoking because you are amazingly brilliant and please dont ever change this kick ass compared to lootboxes
if The old everwyrm is Dalamadur?!? that would really be hype
What we really need Capcom, is the Vergil dlc.
Making a huge leaping prediction here, the Old Everwyrm is Laviente from Frontier.
Everwyrm? Is that a new species type? Or is it just another word for elder dragon?
I just beat residents evil 7 today and I’m like we’re the other residents evils at
Also was that a leviathan?
Cue hype for a game that I don’t own the console to but still love anyways
Some sort of bioluminescent shrimp dragon