The No-watch Ben arc does show that the heroic traits are innate to him tho. Like even if their life experiences are completely different, no-watch Ben and prime Ben clearly have similar (if not identical) predispositions that structure their being in the world, to the point that each of those Ben's is as authentic as the other.
You’d think the fact we’ve seen him clearly not dying, even seeing his future self still using the omnitrix as Ben 10000, you’d think the idea of the device being deadly to him would be entirely dismissible
They might have summoned the fanbase with this one
You forgot to take into account with the first episode of Ben 10 Alien Force, where it is shown that Ben no longer wears the Omnitrix, likely for the past 5 years after the first series ended. He kept it in Grandpa’s Rust Bucket in a tool box the whole time. There’s really no addictive dependency the watch creates on Ben. Ben practically wanted a normal life after some time as a hero and easily took a break, and it doesn’t seem like he would really get back to it unless it’s absolutely urgent.
um easy theory debunk, the omnitrix will turn the user into the peak physical state of the species no matter the dna meaning ben wouldnt transform into ben, he would become basically a 10 year old captain america.
One thing that is being overlooked here and is a big thing in Alien Force is that the Omnitrix can repair both mutated and alien DNA. Does this to fix a mutation performed on a human to turn them into an alien for example. So even if it it effecting Ben, it is actively healing him as well. Also remember that he took the watch off for 5 years between the original series and Alien Force. So its not like it is being an active parasite either.
I can hear Ink Tank coming for you, and they are not happy Edit: Well, at least he loves the edits on this video
Ok about Albedo though. His Knock-Off Omnitrix syncing with Ben’s and changing the settings is right but… It didn’t change the setting to make that Omnitrix think its host was human. It made the Omnitrix think its host was BEN specifically. Plus the Omnitrix creates the physical peak of whatever species it transforms the user into so. It doesn’t just CtrlC + CtrlV DNA samples anymore, so if it had a human transformation it’d look a lot more like Dwayne The Rock Johnson than Ben Tennyson.
Meh. The concept of "copy fatigue" only works for data formats with inherent loss in information, like JPEGs or paper copies. Lossless formats like PNG and many others can be opened and re-saved indefinitely with no data loss (assuming there is no independent error in the system). With the amount of computational power at the Omnitrix' disposal, it's pretty safe to assume that it takes a subatomic scan of Ben's entire body before every transformation and restores that state again once it wears off. That also explains why he returns to the same outfit and other details when transforming back.
Everything Wrong with this Theory 1. Not a weapon, 2. Only the prototype ever actually broke, 3. Ben puts it back on because he can use it to help people and stop threats, 4. Not all of the trivia pop ups are cannon and should be taken with a grain of salt because a lot of them are disproven by stuff that happens in the show, 5. Ben turns into the prime version of a species and it was only the ultimatrix that made you a near genetic duplicate just look at the Andromeda Five vs Liam and Kickin Hawk, 6. Ben is not the human dna sample but was instead the base setting which Albedo overlooked, 7. The user’s personality stays the same only base desires and habits are affected, 8. Ben does not transform into a copy of himself, 9. Every future Ben we see is an alternate timeline, 10. The Omnitrix can repair genetically damaged or mutated dna, 11. Albedo gets the ability to turn back into himself later in the series.
😅😅. Though I wanna agree with you, there's some plot holes. Primarily, He gave up the Omnitrix for 5 whole years ( 4, based on omniverse) and was perfectly fine until he HAD to go back to being a hero. The point on him believing he's nothing without the Omnitrix is already a plot point he and the crew already know and was addressed in the show
The onmitrix wasn't meant to be a weapon it was meant to be something of Noah's ark
The InkTank has entered the chat
8:43 The transformation sequences are only for the viewers it’s not an actual representation on how he turns into each alien. Also when you talked about alien names and Ghostfreak being a slur is already addressed in Ben 10. Other aliens aren’t happy when Ben calls them by his nicknames and Ghostfreak also gets angry because his name is actually Z’skayr and is annoyed with Ben by calling him Ghostfreak. Also, at 11:15 he quotes trivia but those are no longer canon due to the Celestialsapiens changing the timeline just like they show in Omniverse.
I think the fact that all future versions of Ben are still very human disproves the notion that his genetic code is being copied over and over again with further mutations. Otherwise, he’d look more like Kevin after absorbing the Omnitrix’s DNA. And the script saying “Omnitrix Pill” might just be an old idea or just a weirdly phrased explanation no one really thought much about. Because from my understanding, it’s much less a physical pill that gets flushed from his system within 10 minutes, and more-so an energy that allows him to transform. In Omniverse, there was the episode where Dr. Psychobos messed with the watch, and the energy proceeded to transform a bunch of people into other aliens. And because they didn’t have the Omnitrix, those transformations were permanent until the Omnitrix was able to counter/pull back that energy after it was fixed. And the biggest piece of evidence is that the Omnitrix has failsafes that prevent these kind of mutations from happening. It’s advanced enough to understand what to do to make sure the user isn’t harmed from the use of these transformations. It’s actually the transformations themselves that can be damaged from specific overuse, not Ben.
so dependency thing you mentioned we just gonna ignore the fact that canonically ben removed the omnitrix for a few years b/w the orignnal series and alien force and the fact that it had to recalabrate to account for that time spent not wearing it?
0:13 and every time the animation transforms, the quality dies a little too
13:55 in actuality, Ben is smarter than he is perceived. It has been shown that Ben has a Photographic memory along with his knowledge of adapting to situations when the omnitrix doesn’t work how Ben wants it to, he is quite intelligent and even stated the he gets told how he doesn’t apply himself enough despite this fact. The dude even has a doctorate
The only part of this theory I don’t like is the idea that the Omnitrix is rewriting Ben’s consciousness to make him like it and never want to take it off. We see multiple times during the shows that Ben is willing to give up the Omnitrix and that it isn’t what makes him a hero. Mainly in the Omniverse Episode “and then there were none” where he outright says “it’s just a watch, be the hero” to No Watch Ben, implying that it doesn’t change who he is. Outside of that tho, this was a very interesting take on how the Omnitrix works