My heart goes out to everyone diagnosed with DID. You are All very resilient human beings. I understand your pain & suffering can go from acceptance to utter despair. And, I am so sorry you each have endured trauma.
The thing I hate most is the "lost time". What helped me more than anything was when I had a therapist and psychiatrist that treated each of my alters as individual patients instead of trying to "cure" me. As long as I take my meds I'm not suicidal, that's good enough for me. Love and hugs to Kim.
Jeni Haynes had over 2,500 alters which her mind created after she suffered horrific sadistic abuse and torture from her Father daily her entire childhood and including when she was an adult. She was the first person to be able to give evidence with her main alters in a court of law to put her father in prison for good. After reading her book ‘The Girl In The Green Dress’ Jenni’s courage, strength and bravery blew my mind.
The evil she endured to make her this way. May God bless her.
I care for a person who has DID and he has over 30 personalities.. each one very very real. It is a blessing to support them all. 💞
She’s a fantastic artist.
Utterly heart breaking. Those evil acts nearly destroyed this lovely lady but she is so brave to speak of her background. Her daughter is a remarkable young girl but it must be such a difficult thing to cope with at such a young age - she almost has a parenting role. They are wonderful people and I truly wish them strength and peace. So sad to watch.
What’s sadder than this story, is that there is still little to no help with DID in Australia. 🇦🇺 I got dx a few years since I was diagnosed in my late 20’s after having kids and my mum passing. It took me from 11 until 29 years old to get a dx. Let alone the struggle I still face to find a specialist. ❤ Hope she’s doing better now. I remember watching this years ago
I feel so sorry for her. It's insane how much pain, torture and abuse she's been through to develop this. Her daughter is so sweet as well
The comments here are astonishing! This lady has literally been to hell... then came back, which many don't.... our brains are so powerful, and still misunderstood... just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean its not real. Why are you not admonishing her abusers instead of her? If people had more compassion than judgmental, the world be a much nicer place.
Bless her precious heart 💔
This was most interesting. This poor tortured soul….she has been blessed with a wonderful daughter though!
I dated a guy with MPD/DID in college. In fact, I was the one who first recognized his symptoms after seeing a TV documentary about this condition, and I encouraged him to get therapy for it. I think at last count there were a good 8 - 10 personalities in his head. I didn't remain long with him in the relationship. It was much too rough to deal with such a wide array of different personalities; some were annoying, others child-like and another was dangerous. Years later though, I did hear that he was staying dedicated to a therapy and self-help program which I was glad to know. I also had a friend who had this syndrome. She sometimes had difficulty with her "alters" arguing with each other, having opposing beliefs, religions or political views with each other. When I moved abroad, she often corresponded with with me very eloquently hand-written letters (this was in the days before emails or texts). But often the handwriting or personality would change in the letters mid-stream, from humorous to philosophical. Once a child personality wrote a few lines on the page with a crayon. She added a note under it: "oh, one of the children there..." Once she gave me some great advice and then added a comment underneath "I don't know who wrote that, but that sure was a thoughtful comment." I kept in touch with this woman and she did become a successful business woman. She was able to keep her personalities "in their places" so that none of them intruded during work hours. Her dominant personality seemed so well-balanced that no one would imagine all the folks who lived in her head.
Thank you for sharing your story and also for the autographed book. As you know painting is so grounding and useful! Your story has always been helpful. 😊
You are a beacon of hope and light in the darkness. Your courage and determination will always prevail and light the darkness for other mental illness sufferers. Hopefully for other young souls to relate to and learn we are all different. There is no such thing as “normal “. I too am a survivor of other people’s bad choices but now the choices are mine and I appreciate how sweet it is to own them. To not be able to trust what your brain is telling you, it changes the whole perspective. ❤😊☯️
I find this terribly sad. No person, let alone child, should have to go thru trauma that causes something this severe. Id imagine it would be a very hard way to live, not only for the person but their family. The mind can be a very cruel place. I feel for anyone with a severe mental illness. PND & depression, for me, was bad enough, to have something this severe would be a nightmare imo. Mental health support all over the world, is nowhere near where it should be.
Dear Kim so brave to be interviewed. Such a sad life she experienced as a child. I went through extreme trauma throughout my childhood. Has taken me 6 decades to deal with my trauma.
My mother attempted to murder me by baking me in the oven, my grandmother came after me with a butcher knife and my aunt abused me in everyway..I fled at age 16 to save my life. I remember as a child having an experience of me hiding & someone else taking over..but cannot say that has occurred since
Please fix this audio 60 minutes Australia! There's a horrible echo that makes it hard to watch.