I use a 15W/channel class A amp that I built out of some electronics mag 30 years ago. Still sounds good and has the added benefit of use to warm up food and keep coffee hot.
It’s a clone of the power section of the original Musical Fidelity A1. One can easily DIY bypass the volume pots and treat it as a pure power amp. I think BRZ uses the same case elsewhere, hence the Krell label. They definitely don’t claim it to be a clone of any Krell circuitry. Also, definitely worth mentioning is that the original A1 came out way over 20 years ago, so any patent would’ve long expired.
Major heads up!! - you can disconnect the cable from the volume board and go directly to the amp to bypass the volume knob. No soldering needed, becomes full power amp 😊
You are like Marco Polo this morning! ...We don't know what route or how long you were gone, but you've got a tale to tell about some weird s*** that you found while you were following rumors of unbelievable goodness just over the horizon. I actually paused the video to literally go pull my final cup of coffee for the day, and now I'm sitting down to watch. ... I do love our crazy world when it does things like this. ... I went to Vietnam for my honeymoon, and the street markets there have PERFECT knockoffs of designer stuff. Its soooo perfect, in fact, that you could be forgiven for thinking it's the real thing but the locals snuck this stuff out of the sweat shop during the night shift, while the French expats were home sleeping.😅 Yeah, I do not wonder about that stray label on there... Don't ask. Don't tell. ... Cheers Randy! Good content as always. Given I lose all continuity at Halloween, HAPPY HOLIDAYS BRO! 🍪
If you connect the little cables from the rca input jacks directly to the board, they go right into the board with a little 3 pin connector, you gain about 25% volume and massive imaging improvements. So awesome that you actually bought this amp though! I run mine on a pair of rp600m with a bass shelf EQ. If you add a bass shelf, the low end sounds just as sweet as the mids and highs.
Thanks for the review. I’m intrigued. I like Class A with very efficient speakers. Looking at some of the comments of owners, burn-in is important. Long term review? Thanks! Keep up the great work!
I recently got a clone of a Burmester 933 MKII from Ali. At $382usd + shipping it is a bit more expensive but the 933 is substantially more powerful (150w x 2 into 4 ohms) and has solid bass and detailed mids and top end from my experience. Also given that a used genuine 933 MKII sets you back around $2000usd, the clone is a bargain. I am also waiting on an FM Acoustics FM711 MKII clone ($708usd + shipping) that has construction and styling is identical to the genuine amp that sell used for around $18,000usd.
Randy, the second half of this episode belongs in your top 10, it was very interesting! Judging by the input from several aficionados here, most of us have an opportunity to learn something. Please consider substituting speakers with a pair of 4ohm 30-50watt resistors and run it 24/7 at 100%, then configure it with what you have on hand to produce the best sound you can. I’m confident it will be a great end of month show.
Aliexpress is great. I have a cousin working for them here in Brazil and he explained. If always use and always buy. You get the rating 5 5. With 5 5 even if get scam, they always return your money. I use a lot and buy a lot. I already had problems with products not being delivered. I never lost money there.
A five minute change due to simple disconnects, you can bypass the volume controls and use it as a power amp with another preamp.
I've had my BRZHIFI A1 clone for about 2 weeks. I had been eyeing the JL Hood 1969 clone for a few years but went with the A1 instead. The review from HiFi Zone put this unit on my radar. Randy, your review sealed the deal for me. Thank you. I enjoy a polite bottom end and airy top end and this does both very well. It is perfect for acoustic, jazz and vocals. The stereo separation after about 10 hours was off the charts. I tried running the A1 wide open fronted by a FX-Audio Tube-01 and Topping D30 DAC. Without severely reducing the D30 there is not enough useable range for even a pair 87 db sensitive speakers. That may rule out the volume pots bypass since this unit will eventually get moved to mate with a pair of 100db sensitive E-V Aristocrats. Keep up the great work, Randy. This won't replace my PP EL84 amps but is a welcome addition to my audio journey.
Bro, it's absolutely fine when you review expensive stuff but I LOVE this.
I added the Wiim ultra to the A1 clone amplifier and you won't believe the sound quality and functionality you get. It sounds amazing.
I bought the Brz D5 Pro out of curiosity. This is a DartZeel clone. I paired it with an R2R Soekris dac, a Yamaha streamer, a Schiit Freya + pre amp, CSS 1 TD X speakers. The sound was fantastic. Given my taste in music this amp was excellent. This clone amp also received some very good technical reviews that convinced me to try it out . If you want to experiment a bit and not spend a lot of money this is a great amp.
LHY makes clones of off-patent D'Art Zeel amplifiers. At $1500 it's not cheap, but the build and parts quality are first rate. I have an LHY LPS for my Wiim Pro that is ludicrously well made. I took a look under the hood and the parts are all top-shelf which genuinely surprised me and it does a superb job powering the Wiim. A buddy of mine with a LOT more disposable income bought the D'Art Zeel clone amp by LHY on a lark and it sounds superb. He uses it in his living room system. He loaned it to me over a weekend and it's the best sounding amp I've heard in my system. The only negative is that it's anodized gold faceplate and bright red chassis is a lot to take in. The nameplate says it's a D'Art Zeel clone made by LHY which is a more honest approach. And it's heavy as hell to pick up.
Why would you use inefficient speakers with a 20 watt amp? Makes no sense. Stop criticizing if you are not going to do a fair test. I have no affiliation with Ali Express either.
This is one of very good amplifier clones I've reviewed. There are others, even better, like DartZeel clone, some Accuphase clones etc. This one is based on Musical Fidelity A1, but only power amp section. Whole preamp part of this well known integrated was removed as it was holding this little gem back. Absolutely great value and it gets even better after some burn in (it's class A, it needs that to sing beautifully)!
We need more videos like this. Live upto your name "cheapaudioman" :)
It's not midrange focused, it has full bass, you just paired it with the wrong speakers. I have this clone and it runs circles around my Fosi ZA3 with sparkos opamps. It gives me around 85% of my 3.5k Pathos amp. With 20 watts class A it is clearly made for high efficiency speakers, not average bookshelf speakers. A decent preamp is also advisable. And it needs a proper burn in.