
The first one is just a chill guy


3:01 Diddy just unlocked the ‘Meme Hall of Fame’ with that one. Comedy gold!


Egypts got some wild security 😯


Video highlights:

(Not trying to offend anyone)

No security 0:18 
🥐 0:53 
Anime horror story 1:26 
bike obsessed 1:51 
Ancient diddy 2:35 
No internet 3:14 
The pope pulling up in a g wagon 3:51 
T series 4:36 
🫖 5:13 
No iPhones 5:53 
Masha and the bear 6:36 
Camo 7:19 
eagle screeches 8:11
Big bus 9:12 
Gigafactory Shanghai 9:43


I love your videos man! keep on going with the nice videos!


lowkey tbh just put the president or the leader secretly inside of a common civilian car like a bus and fill it with bodyguards and act like hes just a civilian even though he isnt. perfect secret protection


You don't need a lot of security if the whole country is with you. But you need them when you have enemies.


At 3:00 he let his intrusive thoughts win😂😂


☠️☠️💀☠️☠️☠️ kim jong u 💀☠️☠️☠️☠️


6:01 friendship vibe


„there‘s no such thing as too much security when it comes to keeping a target off his back. Or his ear“ Is wild 😭


2:07 President Rodrigo Duterte 👊🇵🇭💚 Long Live Great President of Philippines 🇵🇭


Number 1 was my president and also he's not poor he just lives a normal life :/


5:00 dude spg are no less than any secret agency 😅❤ they do mare than just protecting prime minister ❤


2:30 that was painful to watch


The first president is the most humble president i have ever seen. Bless that man o7


8:04 bro oh so chill like that


Wth 1.1m view in two weeks but nice vid


My favorite branded channel😁


P. Diddy must’ve been happy because you were using baby oil.☠️☠️