Steph at 36 years old : "I understand it now"
"Appreciate greatness people "
Got to appreciate Draymond Green still being a defensive menace at his age, defending bigger players than him and faster players than him, got to respect that whether you like him or not 😂
The Warriors needed a game like this. Amazing performances tonight. 49 games left in the regular season. The pieces are there. 🏀👨🏾🍳🏆
Moody low key setting the Warriors mood when he's present
Chef Curry hasn't missed a 3 yet in 2025!! 😳🥵🥵😄
Jackson Davis is the coolest kid man, love his game! 😊
If the NBA wants ratings back, let GSW play free and win...People want to watch Steph. It's simple.
Look at Steph so inspirational ...🥳✨✨✨
Heavenly Father I pray that you keep the person reading this alive, safe, healthy and financially blessed Amen
Chef Curry REALLY made it look STEPHORTLESS today!! 🥳🥳🔥🔥🥵🥵♥️♥️
5:21 that smile of kerr 😊😊😊😂😂
Great game. Needed that as a dubs fan after a tough last few games. Good to see the GOAT in such good form!!!!
Stephen Curry is truly the greatest entertainer ever!! 🎉🎉❤❤🤩🤩😍😍
9:01 Steph was guarded by 4 players 😮
This is a warriors we know sharing the ball less iso attacking the rim, consistent in shooting
This is the warriors I usually know, bring back the swag!
This is the kind of Curry that I want to see every game.. Then there's no doubt they can win another ring..
"If you can shoot it then shoot it. If you can't then don't." - Steph Curry on the 3 pointer