
Warriors having 18 diff starting lineups in 33 games is insane. But if they can get their rhythm back and win back2back games, they can hit that "I UNDERSTAND IT NOW!"


Steph at 36 years old : "I understand it now"


"Appreciate greatness people "


Got to appreciate Draymond Green still being a defensive menace at his age, defending bigger players than him and faster players than him, got to respect that whether you like him or not 😂


The Warriors needed a game like this. Amazing performances tonight. 49 games left in the regular season. The pieces are there. 🏀👨🏾‍🍳🏆


Moody low key setting the Warriors mood when he's present


Chef Curry hasn't missed a 3 yet in 2025!! 😳🥵🥵😄


Jackson Davis is the coolest kid man, love his game! 😊


If the NBA wants ratings back, let GSW play free and win...People want to watch Steph. It's simple.


Look at Steph so inspirational ...🥳✨✨✨


Heavenly Father I pray that you keep the person reading this alive, safe, healthy and financially blessed Amen


Chef Curry REALLY made it look STEPHORTLESS today!! 🥳🥳🔥🔥🥵🥵♥️♥️


5:21 that smile of kerr 😊😊😊😂😂


Great game. Needed that as a dubs fan after a tough last few games. Good to see the GOAT in such good form!!!!


Stephen Curry is truly the greatest entertainer ever!! 🎉🎉❤❤🤩🤩😍😍


9:01 Steph was guarded by 4 players 😮


This is a warriors we know sharing the ball less iso attacking the rim, consistent in shooting


This is the warriors I usually know, bring back the swag!


This is the kind of Curry that I want to see every game.. Then there's no doubt they can win another ring..


"If you can shoot it then shoot it.  If you can't then don't."
- Steph Curry on the 3 pointer