I've been waiting for this topic for a long time.... please continue with this topic 🙏🏻
I was taking stock of all my investments as my equity is near 0 percent profit and just checked that Gold is up 36% in the last year. Damn what I'm losing in stock, I've gained twice as much in the gold!! Ty anand sir for informed suggestions!!
Idha than unga kitta irunthu yethir pathuom do more videos about bonds and enga invest pannanum yentha bond la invest pannanum pls tell us
Really a great video.... Thanks Dana... மக்கள் தலைவர் வினோத் வாழ்க
வாழ்த்துக்கள் வினோத் சார் மற்றும் ஜனா
Well said. "Financial Engineering" is good. It's science based on your learning. You are Skilling a person's curiosity in science to generate money for themselves. Congratulations Dhanush for all your future endeavors!
❤ vinod sir Hats Of. I learned many things about bond market all bexoz of u sir. Thank u so much sir 🎉
Congratulations Dhana🎉😊
Bank issue bond for their long term capital requirement While FD is for short term & FD can be withdrawn any point of time. But bond cannot be redeemed when ever required.
அருமையான விளக்கம்
Vazha valamudan sir
Very useful video sir and dhana
Excellent explanation. Good keep like that
❤❤❤ Thanks Dhana and Vinod bro ❤❤❤
சுப்பார் அண்ணா அருமையாக பேசனைங்க
Vera maari Vera maari😅😅😅
ஏழைகள் தேவை!!!! ராஜக்கள் தேவையில்லை❤🎉😂
Correct Sir 17.00
நல்ல பதிவு