The war between Qualtrim and Dividend Data has commenced!
Did you just make a 4 minute commercial for us?
Wow Warren Buffet has the same encyclopedias that my family has. I grew up reading those.
I can’t wait to dive into this new feature! Amazing work, Zach!
Finding the best businesses to own is REALLY the hard part. Owning and collecting the cash they throw off is the easy part.
Wow, that's cool!👏👏
Warren Buffet is 94 years old. If he passed in his it's he would be considered just a decent investor
Nice material.
This is awesome!
Excited for chat bot
You literally make videos about the same stocks! And Warren Buffett is not the greatest investor of all time. Youtubers like you are misleading people.
It probably guna suck at first
What did use the it; like did you use meta’s lambda. None the less this is wonderful Zack