
NHK official channel uploaded the video!
Lets go to NHK's official channel for live performances😊
The link is in the overview section.
Pls Enjoy!


When ayase said he cried 4 times at one point of the song and ikura was almost going to cry whilst talking about her youth at 18….wow….my tears too


Ayase and Ikura might be musical geniuses but I love that they still come off as regular people. ❤


What ayase said about following the direction our heartbeat told us to follow, is very much coherent with Steve Jobs' remark on following your gut, your intuition, your passion. If two great people share the same belief, I think this is highly trustworthy.


Ikura and ayase Together they create a masterpiece




Thanks for uploading such a touching video 😭
YOASOBI always gives me the power to move on 🩷
I'm going to be eighteen this month. When I first saw the live on YouTube, I couldn't help but cry in front of the screen.😭
Thousand of teenagers sang with Ikura and performed with Ayase, the determined look with some gentle, which really touched me a lot. 😭💕
I'm glad that YOASOBI, which is my favorite music group, is in charge of 18 祭 of this year. Thanks for Ayase made such a marvelous song.The lyrics and Ikura's pleasant singing really warm my heart.💜 
Heartbeat will accompany my exciting life of eighteen and forever.🩵


This is what I love about YOASOBI. <3


Thanks for uploading such meaningful clips.涙が止まらない。


So emotional, such a wonderful feeling 💖


8:22 Cute!!!


❤ I’m glad that i found this video~ I’m Impressed with the live performance.. but couldn’t find it in YT anymore~ the behind the scene make it more meaningful ~ Thank youuuu for sharing this video




Thank you so much for the translation!  It's powerful and touching video.


Thanks ❤❤❤❤❤


Thank you very much for this video! It impresses me what went on behind the scenes.


Amazing video, I love it. Where I can find the final product tho


NHK produced a lot of excellent programs in music, documentary etc. There is great demand for their quality programs, but somehow, the Japanese mindset just never get it, they just want to block, delete for copyright reasons. Now Japan as a whole has lost out to Korea from dramas, music and popular culture.  All the initial buzz and excitement would have  been gone from this powerful live performance when they upload it months later.  This is how Japan lost the pop culture competition with Korea. The Japanese just do not get it with how social media can help them, they just want to block, delete and do their best to prevent people from watching their excellent programs in real time when there are a lot of buzz and excitement.

