
I was on a super low calorie and low fat diet (less than 10g of fat) and I had the surgeon, who was removing my gallbladder and tons of stones from my liver ducts, tell me it was because of that low fat diet. He said low fat is the absolute worst thing you can eat! Lesson learned!


I tried to tell my sister that a low fat diet is what causes gallstones to form. She said, "No, eating cholesterol is what causes gallstones." I tried to explain how the gallbladder works,she said," No, it's eating too much fat because it's cholesterol that makes the stones. " 😔 I gave up and moved on.


I had gallstones and doctor recommended surgery. I said no. I started drinking lemon water before fatty meals and it stopped attacks from happening. Then, started carnivore diet, ditched the lemon, and still no attacks yet no matter how much animal fat I consume. 😌


Great! Going to the Dr tomorrow 11/1/2024, have resisted surgery so i know more insistence will be about surgery. So glad to read your post just hours before my Dr Visit.


Supplementing tudca helped dissolve the stones, also milk thistle and chanca piedra


Ursodiol which can be prescribed can dissolve gallstones if you feel the need to get help from allopathic medicine. Otherwise, stone breaker aka Chanca Piedra can help dissolve as well. I had 3 large stones, all dissolved with urso (before I knew about anything else). Next step clear pathway with proper diet, magnesium glycinate and activated charcoal to remove the sludge that will remain. 6 years clear of gallbladder issues and not strictly carnivore but that’s my goal.


I had my gallbladder removed and then suffered from a condition called spasm of sphincter of the oddi. Pain like you wouldn't believe and then pancreatitis. 18 month nightmare. I was finally referred to a gastro at Northwestern. He figured it out and then another surgery. I wish I never had it removed.


And don't let them convince you to have your gall bladder removed. After the initial gallbladder attack, the gallstone moved out and I've been fine for the last 5 years!


I wish I had known that BEFORE I had my gallbladder removed!
Sounds like I might have been able to get rid of my gallstones without surgery.


My scan showed no signs of gallstones, keto 5 years❤


Can you please do a video on how a person's body functions without a gallbladder please!


That happend to me 8 years ago when I started keto. I woke up screaming and puking like none other. Compared to that the natural birth of 4 kiddos was a breeze.


100% true low fat diet was the reason for my gallstones .I  did a 💯 healthy keto/ carnivore and intermediate fasting along with some apple cider vinegar with a squeeze lemon , that was my remedy for not having my gallbladder removed


I don’t know which is true but one I will say I had 11 gallstones and stage 2 fatty liver in 2022, went in Keto on and off for two years and Carnivore for 2 months ago.  I got a CT scan 3 days ago 2/2/25 and results were “unremarkable “ I had to call and ask personally to the technician and she told me, no I didn’t see any gallstones or fatty liver. I am dumbfounded and excited for the future!


Kinda thought provoking how it’s a lot of ladies needing to have gallbladder removed and I watch them salivating over my plate when I slap a big chunk of pork belly and fatty brisket on my plate and gourde my self. My sister in law ,Dr Nurse Donna still believes that bacon 🥓 caused her fathers heart attacks and I say it was the breads pancakes 🥞 and pies and potatoes fried in oils from a bottle that caused his heart attack. She had a husband that got sick and he left her for a male and is deathly sick and she buried her veterinary boy friend at 62 after massive heart attack. I have lost 40+ kg’s since then and my brain is working well at last although I kicked the shit out of body in the past and I am just trying to minimize the issues down the road. The best thing for me so far is clear though and I can breath clearly allowing me to sleep all night. I am still amazed at how well I can breath now. I’m in my 70’s now and don’t have an E.D issue and in fact it’s irritating as it wakes me from 💤 sleep. Any have to go for blood work as a year has passed  and we will see what the results are this year. I am salivating thing on the Pork belly in the fridge and the beef 🥩 shanks.😊😂❤


Apples soften gallstones. You can get apple fiber without the sugar. We dont want surgeries as part of a change to healthy eating. There are bile supplements too if you have issues with the switch.


This is exactly what happened to me when I did keto But at the time I didn't know all the facts and I thought keto did it....wrong it was there before.  Be proactive, check your labs and see the X-rays yourself so many things aren't brought up to patients if you're not complaining of that pain or problems.  Be proactive in your care and health people.  The more you know, knowledge is power 🧡💜🖤


I've been wondering about this.


Thanks for clarifying that. I had a few questions about changes that may occur  after you go on this better diet.


Just went for a sonar: liver and gall bladder no issues.