BEST WEEK GUYS. As agreed round #2 will be an overnight passage.. we hope that Nate has his ‘clockwise’ and ‘counterclockwise’ sorted by then 😆😁😁 love you both, legends!! Elayna and Riley
Am I the only one who thinks it’s extremely adorable that Nate gets up every morning just to make Kara coffee Without fail, whether they were on a six day canoe trip or spending three days on a deserted island still goes out of his way to do some thing that his wife cares about #CoupleGoals
Never forget, Riley was the guy who bought a sailboat with no clue about sailing and had to google "what to do when your boat is sinking" while he was actually taking on water. You learn to swim in water, not on land, sailing is the same and nobody was born a sailor.
Unbelievable!! I have been watching BOTH of your channels for nearly 5 years. I am a sailor and a global traveler. Both of you have incredible content for two of my passions: great personalities, stories, information, and video. So, very happy you got to spend quality time together and share it with us.
The crossover we have all been waiting for!! So amped for this!! Boat life suits you guys! 🥳🛥
So great to see you on La Vagabonde. When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was their channel. Great video as always.
I can’t even begin to describe how happy this collaboration made me 😭 Sailing La Vagabond and Kara and Nate are my 2 number 1 channels I watch. You 4 are my absolute favorite people to watch and genuinely make me so happy, so seeing you all together was just incredible 💙
I've been following Riley and Elena for at least 6 years and following you guys for about 4 years. This was the most entertaining video that I watched yet. I watched their video first and then yours. I felt like I was watching family since I follow you all on YouTube and Instagram. Keep up the adventures!!
This was sooo interesting! Loved this one!!
Lenny trying to help Kara and Nate is so cute
I was so confused as to why they have a full time nanny on a boat that size. Then watched the sailing portion and realized there’s no way you could do all that and keep a kid from falling into the ocean at the same time. So much happening at once!!
My heart is full and complete now! My favorite two YouTubers coming together! My husband asked me if my head was gonna explode. 😆 I was so excited! I’ve been watching both channels since the start. 🙌
7:44 I like how Riley sits there and gets annoyed by Kara's hand gestures😂
LITERALLY the collaboration I have been dreaming of!!! So, so happy to see my favorite YouTubers coming together on La Vaga!!! 💚
I appreciate how you highlight all the difficulties you had while learning to navigate and sail the boat. Would be neat to see you guys do boat life for a year (and through all 4 seasons).
Can we all appreciate the fact that Kara & Nate never disappointed us with their content. 👍 🤗 👏
you guys always bring me joy. I'm going through a rough time in my life, but whenever I watch you guys, I am just full of joy!
I couldn't help thinking about when Eamon&Bec joined them on their boat too. Bec sat on that chair at the "helm" feeling super seasick almost the whole time. Now she is fighting a much bigger battle. Life lesson: appreciate every moment xxx @Eamon&Bec