
Awesome war ships!!!😃😃😃😃😃❤❤❤❤❤


Chất Lượng Cao đẳng Cấp Là Đây 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤


This class of ship is as tied and true as the a-10 or f-15, it just works.


The US Navy Sailors enjoy one of the highest standards of living and benefits In The world.


usa number one❤❤❤


12 years in the USN. I was aboard DD987 USS O'Bannon a Spruance class ship. That was my best depolyment in the USN. Went on a NATO North Atlantic cruise and a South America cruise.


The Spruance class destroyer I was on, the cooks took very little pride in the gruel they turned out.  Bacon and sausage swimming in enough grease to do an oil change in a diesel engine.  The eggs such as they were, were nasty.  Greasy pork chops.  Mashed potatoes with the consistency of concrete.  Good times.


天佑“ 美國台灣"God Bless U.S.Taiwan(TGUSA=美台政府)"!!


Destroyers are, I argue, 3rd most important ship in a modern navy. 1) Subs 2) Carriers 3) Destroyers


Hope to be a sea bee 🐝 👌🏻


During Vietnam I was asked why I didn’t join the navy instead of the army airborne. I responded “ I can walk a hundred miles,I can’t swim a hundred miles”


You guys r bad ass


I helped build some of those ships.


The Zumwalts were a boondoggle just like the Littoral Combat Ships.


Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.saya mau kerja di atas kapal perang Amerika🇺🇸 Serikat 👍👍👍👍👍I love you Amerika🇺🇸,hope everyone is healthy.WASSLMMKM WR WB.bye - bye- 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️💘🙏✈️


The gym is the most unused space on any navy ship.


The "zumwalt" has been a costly and stupid failure- typical of pentagon's procurement


As soon I saw masked squids, I was out.  Jan 20, 2025.


from around the 1890's...