Love Liang je and Chen zheyuan and all the other actors of this drama
The best drama ever till now. Will never forget Song Ran and LiZan, including all the other casts everyone lived the role notjust act.
I really love this drama.❤❤
I love his voice, his eyes and his smile.
I really love this drama 😩❤
Love is a sacrifice, let the present time deny it and not recognize it.
This drama strike me so much. I can’t get over it. I’ve been watching the whole series. 4x now since it was broadcast. I don’t know about the actors and actresses. But’s they gained a new fans now. Azan, Ranran, Ben and Saxin.just now their name from drama but I will memorize their true name❤❤❤❤
Apaixonada pela série 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Tận 7h lận… ad phải mất bao lâu để edit quả video này taaaa❤❤❤
Zan ran ❤
Sous titre en français stp j'aime trop cette série
Dari galau mikirin utang, sekarang lunas semua, thx 𝘋𝘖𝑅𝘈7𝟽!
𝐃𝙊𝐑𝘈𝟩𝟩 juara, jepe terus
ابليز نزلي جميع الحلاقات بي الترتيب و بي الترجمة العربيه😢😊
What is the english song name?
𝘋𝘖Я𝘼𝟳7 gachor bgt, jepey terus