
Ever since Rocketman, I often said that I wish biopics about singers should take Rocketman's approach by making it into a musical fantasy movie with full on choreography dance numbers all around. I'm so grateful that Better Man took that approach and executed it flawlessly. It felt so refreshing in this unique approach compare to your standard average formualic biopic movie that felt like you were watching a Wikipedia movie. Use the songs to convey the story, set the tone, and evoke emotions like this rather than using it briefly in the background


Man every time I see this scene, the more I love it.


This scene is perfection. This movie needs WAY MORE recognition


The most underatted film ever! Cannot believe ppl just ignored it in the box office ! I'm so glad i saw it on big screen ,absolute masterpiece of storytelling and visual cinematography !


This movie is going to absolutely cook on streaming and I can't wait for more people to discover it.


What I love about this sequence is that it shows the evolution of Take That (in the nineties) via the continuous costume change.


I just realized this scene takes the audience through different eras of Take That with the various changes in outfits and hair. Very clever! This movie truly took me by surprise. 10/10!! Heartwarming and entertaining! ❤


I took 6 friends to this movie, to fill in a wet afternoon.  None of them were really interested, but all came away absolutely blown away with the movie, and have recommended it to others.  Loved it.


I never go to the movies anymore, but I saw Better Man twice. This is an amazingly awesome and emotional film. I'm Canadian and I only know of Robbie Williams from the Rock DJ video and his wedding singer scene in the movie De-Lovely. After watching this movie I went down the rabbit hole and discovered what I had missed in the late 1990's and early 2000's. This film and his music moved me so much that my girlfriend and I booked a trip from Vancouver to London for 2 weeks including front standing tickets for his concerts on June 6th and June 7th 2025 at Emirates Stadium. We both want to FEEL what it's like to be in the audience at his show. Better Man is The Best Picture of 2024!


Far and away the best musical sequence of 2024. History will be kind to this movie - this is the kind that people 10, 20 years from now will consider their favorite musical film.


As one of the few Americans who knows who Robbie Williams is, this movie was fantastic!!!


Step in Time (Mary Poppins) , LaLa Land opening highway scene, Fred Astaire dancing on the ceiling in Royal Wedding and now Rock DJ - amongst the greatest musical numbers put up on the big screen.  (YouTube all of them!) This movie is fantastic, one of the best of the year.  Paramount smart move putting Rock DJ out there.  I always said if Rock DJ scene was the trailer this movie would have been a massive theatrical hit.  Well let’s see how big it will be on streaming.  Go see Better Man today!


when the music muffles for a bit when they're dancing in the record shop chef's kiss


The actors playing the four other members are spot on, especially Gary. It's like watching Mark for real, when the actor playing him dances, he has that infectious Mark energy and smile.


1:03 I'll admit I haven't even seen the movie yet but I love the little detail of Robbie clearly beginning to raise his hand when the manager asks "Who is..." but then slaps it down on Gary's shoulder when he realizes he didn't say his name.


This is seriously the best movie of the year💯....I have no idea how the Oscars only gave this one nomination.  Should have far more consideration.  Its so well done, unbelievable 👏


Absolutely loved this movie because Robbie Williams has always been honest about his life and the fact that he is narrating really works.  One of the best musical sequence put on film!


The people digging their heels in, refusing to watch this despite literally everybody saying its great at worst and amazing at best are just worried about having to admit being wrong at this point


6:30 I love who he goes on to a serious talk and then "We love you robin!" He puts a smile. What a legend.


I saw this movie yesterday here in Mexico. I loved it!