"Time ain't wasted when I'm wastin' time with you" is sure as hell is a good one
Loved doing the art for this one! Thanks Johnny!
More people should be listening at this artist
캬ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 너무 좋다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ honey도 백만번 들엇는데 이 곡도 백만번 들을께요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I found my new favorite song 💜
No wasting time when I am listening to your songs.
just found about this mans music and I’m not disappointed.
I mean wooooow
Brilliant song.
New song to listen when having mental breakdowns 💕
Dude this is the 3rd song I've listened in the last 15 minutes and it's really good
Your music is incredible! Honestly, amazing!
Another good song again. :)
Oh this is so very beautiful 😍 what a vibe and what a voice.
Another good music from Johnny Balik ♥️
Beautiful song 🥰
I love me some Johnny Balik 💓 Another great song to add to my playlist.
Loved since honey!! This chorus is divine. i will hum the shyt out of this!!!
Another great song from you Johnny. You always give us what we need to hear. ❤️ your amazing as always.