
The end was cut short by a minute! You get the idea I guess 😭Thank you for watching! Never forget apple sauce.


Just remember, confidence kills when it comes to motorcycles, the second you feel confident, you feel invincible, and when you feel invincible, you think everyone can see you. All it takes is one driver cutting over without a blinker who has no idea you were even there and all of the sudden you're roadkill... please be safe out there folks.


To pop a wheelie, put it in secret mode - Trackmode. At a stop with propulsion on, put it in sports mode then hold down the mode button. Icon in top corner will change to a flat tracker. This disables all the safety mitigation tech - no ABS, no traction control, no front wheel lift mitigation


The clutch talk and "I don't want to give my private information to this pole" had me floored and so TRUE!


the clean garage setup with the lights and the f150 in the background is such a dream


Our little Sur Ronster is growing up before our very eyes


Its so funny when he rants about the clutch and gas bikes and then gets frustrated when none of the chargers work.


That guy on the Rukus is in every single class ever.  Doesn’t matter what course your taking, Rukus guy is there πŸ™„


I recently found your page after researching e-bikes and e-motos. You’re one of the reasons I decided to buy an E-Ride Pro SS. I appreciate your content.  brotha.


I was onboard at first till I saw you struggling with a simple charge...NO THANK YOU!!!!!!  The drone view was on point.


You perfectly showcased both why electric bikes are cool af and the biggest problem with electric vehicles all in one video.


Be careful out there man, 80mph on the highway can turn into a quick disaster. You might not crash but you can never trust other riders and cars how they're going to drive, remember to wear some gear and dress for the slide and not the ride. Greetings from Finland and I hope you stay safe out there since I enjoy your content and it'd be unfortunate losing such a good creator.


The clutch disconnects the Transmission from the Engine. The way manual transmissions work on bikes even if your not touching the throttle in gears you will still move about 9mph so the clutch disengages the engine from the transmission so you dont move anymore.


I'm a Gas man myself but yeah, wind on naked bikes is the bane of my existence.

I recommend a brake disk clamp too.  will stop any potential theft.


This was an AMAZING video! Glad I stumbled across this channel!


"I want to start tucking" - Sur Ronster 6/29/24 😭😭


Another saturday morning of wishing i had any of these cool bikes πŸ˜‚


Funny how no matter what type of classroom setting you are  in there is always ONE OF THOSE  ..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


This videos are honestly so enjoying to watch. You are the reason why I’ve been trying to save up for an e bike for so long now. Thanks for being awesome πŸ€™πŸ˜‚


bro was feeling up that bike like craaazzzy 0:24