Must've been a huge honor to interview one of the largest Japanese music duo in history
I can't even begin to fathom how nervous they must be when talking to TheAnimeMen!
If I was in Jeremy’s position I wouldn’t be able to get any words out, so the fact he kept his cool is amazing 😂
You guys did great for your first interview, and especially for someone you guys admire and dedicated so many hours to their song. Also it seems that Yoasobi aren't promoting anything for this interview? Just the heck of it? That's so cool!
This is literally insane you guys were so lucky to get to have a private interview with YOASOBI. I love their music so much!
Seeing a bunch a fanboys do a legitimate interview with their idols was super endearing and fun to watch! Thanks for starting my day with a smile :)
You could tell how nervous the AnimeMen were when they asked them to introduce themselves twice haha. Awesome vid as usual tho
I enjoyed watching how Jeremy gets so nervous in front of Ikura, I am really proud of you guys and since I'm both fans this made my day!
I tried to stop myself from smiling but I couldn't help it, it was such a fun video to watch
Yo these are the artists that made an animation from your music video. I'm glad for Yoasobi for reaching so far and was able to be interviewed by the AnimeMen.
Legends interviewing legends! You guys deserve this after the effort put into the racing into the night music video. Edit: IDOL MV?!?!?!
Through this video I hope you will get more Japanese subscribers! I'm sure ppl in Japan will love your videos! YOASOBIとコラボできたのは本当に凄い!!もっと日本から見る人増えるといいなあ
Damn happy to see AnimeMen support small artists like YOASOBI
Even though you guys were very nervous, you guys still nail it, good job! We all proud of you (especially Jeremy when he face his celebrity crush). And sorry if my English is a bit weird since i dont come from an English speaking country
So awesome that you guys got to meet YOASOBI. I wish you the best of luck for your kickstarter and I'm really looking forward to seeing the music video once you reach your goals.
This is epic!! I’m so proud of the anime mans they have come a long way I’m so excited for what next!
This interview was awesome and the editing made me laugh a lot. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!
I dont blame Jeremy for being nervous like that😂. Great Interview
damn, must be crazy to meet such amazing artists. honestly surprised they could keep so calm