
For anyone wanting to try these out...
and the unstoppable one...


Yep they definitely owe you a coloured pencil because:
 "Coloured pencils aren't cheap, but I am"~Scott


Your face after the second pencil sharpener absolutely murdered your pencil 😂 love your videos!


I just use a normal old non electric sharpener usually, but it was hilarious to see the sharpener literally swallow the pencil!


you know youre tired when you start uncontrollably giggling at a clip of a pencil sharpener devouring a pencil


As a teacher, I can totally vouch for the speed of the second sharpener 10/10


As a person who can't afford a pencil sharpener AND a color pencil, this hurts my soul in an artistic level.


The second sharpener be like “Yeah I’m unstoppable today “


“It just didn’t stop” -Scott Christian Sava


We expect a follow up video where AFMAT sends you one grey colored pencil, properly packed


"It never stopped "
Same thought bro 😂
Love ur art


My college art professor was the one to tell us to just sharpen with a blade since we were working with several differently-shaped mediums. I always keep a small blade with me on my keys so that's what I always end up using.


That sharpener is goin faster than the speed of light!


I like the second one, in personal experience they actually work best and you have more control as long as you don’t just keep shoving it in! As long as you get the hang of it much better, but just like any art or art tool its up to whichever works best for the artist 👨🏼‍🎨 have fun!


Didn’t realize pencil sharpeners were supposed to have an auto stop, I thought it was supposed to be on your own expertise.


Back in art university, art teachers always told us that box cutters are much better than pencil sharpners


"The fastest pencil sharpener ever- where did my pencil go.."
Lmao, so fast it ate the pencil


I thought you were testing out how quickly the second one could sharpen a whole pencil at first lmao


I just kept watching the pencil go and go and go and when I saw the end, my heart didn't know whether to break or to love the humor of it all. Love it xD


I have the first one! It's great. It does tend to oversharpen my colored pencils if I wait until it stops, though.