
Life is filled with strangers who all seem like selfish weirdos, until you need something from them πŸ˜… -Abraham Simpson


I fu(king needed to hear this one!!!!! I’m always the hardest worker in the room, but no tangible success! Been swimming hard against the tides. Thank you ❀


One must sometimes wait and just be a watcher and learn, and observe you can't jump you have to be in the stagnation phase for a while.


Love your videos. ❀❀❀


Very inspiring.  Reminded me. Refreshed I am. Dhanyawaad.  Mumbai, India


Good Luck and Bon Voyage
Be Your Self
Bravery and Indifference be your rod and staff


Inner mastery = outer reality ❀


You must see it and feel it in yourself first in order for it to work


They burden you like this.
Then you become their evil.
Than they complain.
First they dragged you.
Than they say why are you driven.
So you had to driven not to driven. 
But they don't leave you alone too.
Un natural setting never allows you to live.
But you had to live for not living.




Thank you!πŸš€πŸ¦ˆπŸ’«πŸ›ΈπŸοΈπŸ©΅


Truly Brilliant πŸ‘


Thank you ❀


Lovely video. Subbed


ascension is not meant for all souls, my friends. be 'ware of the direction in which you swim, and what may wait when the horizon breaks


Diamond πŸ’Ž


you were right


Stop waiting..stop chasing..and start being


Just ask a donkey where hard work will get you!