Your videos are very informative, I really like the details you give for all styles of riding on different rides. Keep it going. Don't stop. Thank you..
Tons of people are complaining about the lack of power on the KRX, it was never meant to race against RZR and X3. Kawasaki will need to come out with a real sport machine if they want to compete in that segment. The KRX is just an overweight 'sportier' version of Teryx which does great on rough sections. Here, in the northeastern trail system, turbo machines are not needed and 112hp is just fine. Torque and clutching is what's needed around here. Top speed, not so much.
Prices have gone up alot in recent years . Nice machines forsure!!
Why dont they build real roll cages for all sidebysides its not like we don't pay for the real one
I have a Yamaha R-MAX2 and it's been absolutely solid out here in the Indio badlands of Coachella Valley but need a 4 place rig. Is this the one to get? I can't really get behind the idea of trading Yamaha for Kawi but if these are well built and reliable then maybe.
Definitely look like fun.... But not so much here in the UK...
Why did kawi leave out the KECS system on the blackout edition?
Trail for me
Not a fan of the clear roof on the Blackout Edition, especially here in AZ, where that roof is used to keep that hot sun off you.
does the black plastic on the blackout edition have a textured feel to it?
What's the cost ? Warranty ? What's standard
How wide is the krx 1000
what is the top speed !
slooooooow! when will they ever listen to the people and boost it?
Until the four seater at it's weight has minimum of 175hp it will not sale like it should, everything else is good, up the power.
They don't show the horsepower on the 2025 but if its 112hp or close to that number, no thanks.
Thrill riding machines are not what you should title this video. The public has been crying for more HP and still Kawi dont listen. Slap turbo on it then you can state "thrill riding"
I heard rumors of a supercharged model.