"The way my voice stand out, isnt it kinda loud?" She's starting to realise one of the truth of the world
Subaru is surprised but also enjoying hearing own funny voice.
Ajimaru Ajimaru
A perfect way to end the video. Screaming at her own head falling into the water.
2:46 Oozora "I think I'm... kinda loud?" Subaru
Subaru, year six of her career as a professional streamer: "Hey, is it just me or do I kind of sound like a duck?"
Subaru's voice is really funny, even Subaru herself likes it
She wants her intro voice line to be redubbed, but her sound byte she provided sounds exactly the same as the voice already in place haha
Subaru enjoying the voices is cute, I love this duck
Honestly, she doesn't ever really say "shuba shuba shuba", so wherever and whenever we can hear it is such a treat.
Lol, Subaru's voice is so powerful that they have to limit how often she talks
0:31 subaru fucking atomizes her mic and my ears
It's been years and only now Shuba realized the power of her voice 😆
Every Holomem playing this: Why do I sound so depressed/sleepy? Viewers: Thats exactly how you sound
In-game Shuba didn’t wanna talk because ACTUAL Shuba was there to do it for her. XD
The truth hurts, Subaru.
That one loud friend when you pull out the voice recorder: Jokes aside I kinda like how Suba's voice makes her stand out more. I can definitely pick her out in the middle of a crowd.
Subaru is basically Jacksepticeye when it comes to loudness and awareness of it