It's nice to see a cook being a Youtuber instead of a Youtuber being a cook.


What I love about Will is that he never assumes that people are stupid.  He presents the material in a way that's approachable for neophytes (like he's your mate from the pub) so that you can create some awesome outputs from your kitchen without spending years at Le Cordon Bleu.  At the same time he gives you a glimpse into the reality (without conceit) that there is a lifetime worth of academic theory, technique and instinct that are the foundation of culinary excellence.  I appreciate that balance, and am grateful to Will for his generous instruction.


Chef of 25 years and I always just love watching people teach the mother sauces


Fabulous! I’m a retired chef. You’ve removed the mystery of good cooking for the average person. What a great service! You’ve created good food quickly. Cheers from America!


This probably is one of the best videos ever made on sauces


i have been a professional chef since 1975, with a stint as Executive Sous Chef to a European Certified Master Chef. i love reacting to cooking videos and i have to say, SPOT ON CHEF! you intelligently condensed years of experience and knowledge into a 20 minute video that is easy to follow, and will yield great results.

Kudos to you.


I like how you gave an example of how each base sauce can be used as well as just how to make it.


I've been a professional chef for over 20 years, and even now, as a culinary arts instructor, I find seeing these foundation sauces prepared so beautifully as inspiring as ever. Outstanding video!


For some reason, the counter-wipe at 18:20 made me really happy. Just the thoughtless repetition of the same action done a million times over a career, the instinctual need for a clean work space without any off the pomp and circumstance that comes with a lot of YT cooking tutorials. This guy cooks.


My step-dad was a classically trained chef, he always heated the milk for bechamel and added it in a little at a time.  Sometimes there were lumps that needed strained out, sometimes it was smooth as silk.  Mom was a country cook who was always doing multiple things while cooking.  Her milk gravy used the exact ingredients as dads bechamel, but she dumped all the cold milk into the pan with the roux, stirring rapidly for a couple minutes, then gently keeping it in motion for the remainder.  Never the slightest hint of lumps!


I tried your hollandaise method yesterday and its bulletproof the sauce didn't split on the pass under the lights. cheers


A lot of cooks on youtube seem like they're phony tryhards trying to look like they know what they're talking about. But this guy clearly has unbelievable amounts of experience and he seems very honest and down to earth and chill. You can tell he's really tasting and analyzing the food he makes and he really knows what he's talking about.


There is nothing better than watching a pro work their trade.  The ease with which he produces such elegant sauces is both elegant and informative.


I love how you know the chemical reactions involved in mixing two ingredients and the effect it has on the food. Absolutely brilliant!


This is possibly the best cooking video I've seen on Youtube.


I’m a line cook stepping up. I can’t afford school. Have new borns and responsibilities. Like all men. I appreciate you for teaching everyone who wants to learn. Means a lot to me. The years I been working sauté and pasta, but I found myself in a place where I was comfortable. Since we elevated the restaurant and food. My boss had brought in big names into the restaurant. Basically put me back into a short order cook mentality. Which isn’t bad but since these guys have gone to school in Spain and Greece. I feel lesser? I appreciate this because I can learn and watch. Without feeling like I’m being judged by these chefs who would judge me as a short order. Thank you chef.


He’s not lying about sweetness. You can have two identical-looking white onions and they will taste very different. Taste everything.


I made the L'Orange with pan seared chicken, roasted potatoes and pinot noir to drink. Amazing stuff, thanks for making me a better home cook


I've discovered this channel today.
Firstly, what a gentleman,  no swearing, no ridiculous made up words, no chaos.
A pleasure to watch, informative and descriptive, easy enough for your average cook to follow, professional enough for chefs to learn and possibly try new techniques. 
Thank you. ❤ Australia 🇦🇺


A genuine Masterclass! Possibly one of the most informative 20 mins you'll ever witness.