At one point in time Liru was on Youtube uncensored that was back in days when Youtube was the Wild Wild West lmao
I haven’t seen her in years. Can’t believe someone remembers
1:01 try not to get caught till one person come out of no where get you in trouble LOL.
God dammit Hierophant Green
Poor wolf girl. All she wanted was some meat...but SOMEONE just had to snitch to YouTube-san. 🤣🤣🤣 Nice work, everyone!
I love that Youtube San sounds lemongrab 😂😂😂
I like how YouTube is just Lemongrab.
...... casually walks over and slaps YouTube san
The sounbd of Answers playing as Kakyoin and the crew get Louisoixed made me happy.
1:38 kakyoin: well, at least we have the patreon
Remember, the song September by Tenma Tenma is the song that plays when you’re with Liru the wolf girl.
Kakyoin dropping the actual whole 2006 anime name that most people didn't even know lol
Whoever voices youtube in these vids is an absolute legend; that absurdly high pitched screech is fckn hilarious every time.
Liru the wolf gi- \ (YouTube-Sama)🤨💻 “5 secs later” 💀💻 (YouTube-Sama)😡🔨DEMONETIZED! (Patreon-Sama)🗿”coughs” (YouTube-Sama)🥶
I'm still gonna blame Kakky for this one lmao
🎵You don't win friends with Salad, You don't win friends with Salad, You don't win friends with Salad.🎵
Thumbnail: I have a bad feeling for this because YouTube-san is going to be ticked off about this anime waifu character in the video 😳
1:09 needs to have captions.
Kakyoin you didn't learn did you oh well he'll learn one way or another the touch of a wild one. I hope you'll have your hips in one peace after this man.