How to Do a Mambo Forward & Back Step | Ballroom Dance
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Aaron: Hi guys. It's Aaron.
Christina: And I'm Christina.
Aaron: And we are professional dance instructors here in New York City and today we're going to be talking about a little dance called the Mambo, and more specifically we're going to be taking a look at a step, just the basic action here, forward and back. So what we're going to do today is we're going to start with our left leg and we're going to count this out as we take a step forward. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one.
So taking a look at that again, starting with our left leg, we're taking a step forward, forward, replacing our weight back on our right leg. Replace, and stepping together as we hold the one and rock back again on our right, two, three, together, and again, coming forward, two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one.
Christina: So ladies, we are starting right now with the gentlemen on their left foot, but when we dance it together we'll be starting backward on our right foot. And just a note for guys and girls. Keep theses steps very, very small and compact, underneath your body. The Mambo is really kind of a fast and fun dance. It does not really travel very much so begin able to keep smaller steps will help you keep in time with the music.
Aaron: Now let's take a look at that with a partner and also note that we're using several different hand holds here in this dance, going from our basic closed position, to a two hand hold, to one hand, and also the handshake hold as well, as sometimes we're going to enter some more advanced turns and spins with different hand holds, sometimes over and under, and any combination of the two.
So let's take a look again at that basic action with a partner now, starting, one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Two, three, four. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four, one. Two, three, four.
And that's how you do the basic action, forward and back, in the Mambo.
Christina: Let's try that to some music.