Woman Escape from Cruel Master || #movie #shorts
This woman is trying to escape from her cruel master. Inside the rig with her are five women, master wives, whom she has promised to help find freedom. His army is coming closer to her. Dozens of strange, dangerous vehicles are chasing her. Some are spiked, others are covered in rusted metal, and all of them are filled with wild, screaming men. As the enemy vehicles get closer, the attack begins. Some of the vehicles have men on motorcycles, leaping over the dunes to throw explosives at the rig. Others use harpoons to try and stop the giant truck. She keeps her hands steady on the wheel, swaying hard to avoid the explosions, using every bit of her skill to keep the rig moving. These men climb onto the rig, trying to reach the women hidden inside. She crashes the rig into one of the smaller cars, sending it spinning off the road. Then she pulls a lever, releasing thick black smoke from the back of the rig, blinding the vehicles behind her. She yells at them to fight back. One of the wives grabs a wrench and swings it at a polecat, knocking him off his perch. Another woman uses a crossbow, firing arrows at the attackers.