Surf Kayaking Turtle Dive
Turtle dive instead of taking a wave on the head. This technique works for sea kayaks, whitewater kayaks, surf kayaks, and wave skis.
The Turtle Dive: This is a great way to avoid a dumping wave on your head, getting hit in the gut by a powerful wave or foam pile, and decreases the likelihood of the wave pushing you back to shore.
1. Speed - Generate as much speed as possible (don’t get winded you will need that air)
2. Flip - Capsize with precision so your bow will bury into the seam where white and green water meet then push up with your paddle (this brings the bow deeper).
3. Pause (feel the wave go by)
4. Roll up and GO! Do not be plankton - Dig in and paddle away!
For more surfzone tips and tricks, check out Cate's Woman on Water Blog - womanonwater.blogspot.com/
Zack Boyd
Jeff Laxier