
Top Seven Richest Countries In the World | Top 7 | (Clear Explanation)

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​@Top Seven

A small European country that shares a border with France, Belgium, and Germany. It has a population of about six hundred and fifty thousand people but that doesn’t stop it from breaking into and sitting comfortably at number two spot of the richest countries not just in Europe but all over the world with a per capita income of about $122,740.
Banking, steel, and industrial sectors are the dominant forces in the economy of the country. Unlike most of the names on this list, Luxembourg has a highly diversified economy and oil is not even present in commercial quantities in the country. Exports contribute massively to their economy with their primary market being neighboring countries like Belgium, France, and even Germany.

2. Singapore
Coming Second on our ranking of the richest countries in the world, Singapore, has been found to also have one of the most open economies, ranked at a time to be the 7th least corrupt economy and tax rate is very low, makes one wonders what they could depend on to have an economy which is better than the likes of Saudi, UAE and even the mighty United States of America. It has a per capita income of $102,742.

3. Ireland
Ireland is a European country with a population of about 6.5 million people, known for its cultural diversity. It is the third wealthiest nation in the world with a per capita income of $99,239.
The majority of its GDP is accounted for by the trading of various products and services of various industries of its economy such as the pharmaceutical, chemicals, computer hardware, food products, and medical devices. Its main export partners are the USA, UK, and neighboring European nations.
4. Qatar
Holding on very comfortably to the number four on the spot is Qatar. So many things can be said of this wonderful nation but starting with the subject of discussion, it is undoubtedly the richest in terms of both parameters mentioned. With a population of just under three million, the country’s per capita income is a whopping $97,262.
5. Macau
Macau was formerly called “Ou Mun”, meaning “Trading Gate”. Ou Mun was the Chinese name it was formerly called before Macau. Macau originated from a misunderstanding from the 16th century. Some Portuguese merchants came to the country, and upon inquiry, they were told they were in “A Ma Kok”. The name was adopted and used until it gradually evolved to the Portuguese name “Macau”.
Macau which was formerly a sparsely populated territory has become a major city. Now, the country is one of the richest in the world with a GDP per capita income of $90,606.
6. Switzerland
One of the most beautiful European countries also happens to be on our list of the wealthiest countries. Its beauty is actually a major part of its economy as it has numerous places such as beautiful lakes, villages, and the high Peak of the Alps that people from all over the world want to see which serves as tourist centers. It occupies the Sixth position on this list as the per capita income of the country with a population of about 10 million people is about $75,880.
Switzerland’s most important sector is the manufacturing of chemicals, health and pharmaceutical goods, scientific and precision measuring instruments. They are also known for their banking, insurance and international organizations (FIFA) in addition to tourism all of these adds to the richness of this wonderful nation.
7. Norway
Coming in seventh on the list of the richest countries in the world, A Scandinavian country, with a population of just over 5 million people, mostly known for its mountains, glaciers, and deep coastal fjords is not just a financially buoyant country but the impact of the finance reflects of the individual.
It consists of very lovely people. It is ranked to be one of the most peaceful countries in the world with a very low crime rate. Like most of the countries on this ranking, oil and gas production accounts for 20% of its economy. Its per capita income stands at $69,171.

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