
Black & White New Market | Kolkata Shoes Market | Cheapest Shoes In Kolkata | Eid Special Stock 🌙

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Shop Address 👉 Gate No. 4, Shop No. F-6, Simpark Mall Underground A/c. Market, Kolkata - 700087

WhatsApp & Call 👉 - 8583838476

For Wholesale 👉8585085923

Shop Instagram: https://instagram.com/black_nwhitenew...

📍Maps- Black and White

📸Follow me on Instagram :   / sub_boi_nation  

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👇Disclaimer 👇

This video is only for the purpose Of marketing knowledge.. We r just providing market information. We are not promoting or defaming any brand in any way.

We are not responsible for any profit or loss in any way. Please check before buying goods and make sure it is worth it.
Thank you,

#wholesaleprice #wholesalemarket #kolkatashoesmarket #cheapestshoesmarket
