Change Data (CDC) & JSON Processing In Snowflake | Snowflake JSON Tutorial | Ch-11
Change Data Capture (CDC) is a technique that allows for the capture and propagation of changes made to data in a database. By combining CDC and JSON processing in Snowflake using Stream and Task objects, users can easily and efficiently capture changes to JSON data and propagate those changes throughout their data pipelines. This can be particularly useful for real-time data streaming and analysis, as well as for building data integration and data transformation workflows.
Once you complete this "Change Data (CDC) & JSON Processing In Snowflake" hands-on video tutorial, you will be able to answer following question confidently
1. How to design JSON Data Processing & CDC?
2. Stream Object can be created on the top of JSON Variant Data Type?
3. How merge statement work with JSON Data Type in Snowflake?
4. Different type of stream object & their applicability for JSON data?
5. The Merge Statement Syntax with JSON variant columns?
6. How to integrate JSON Data, CDC & Stream/Task together?
7. Best practice around JSON processing & CDC in snowflake?
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🚀🚀 Episode-11 Video Sections 🚀🚀
➥ 00:00 Introduction
➥ 00:51 Chapter-11 Objective
➥ 01:57 Welcome To Data Engineering Simplified
➥ 02:31 JSON/CDC Overall Data Flow Diagram
➥ 05:19 How Changes Arrives (Timeline View)
➥ 07:29 Ingest JSON Data From Stage To Table
➥ 11:50 Ingest Change In JSON Form & Duplicate Data
➥ 17:28 Ingest Change (JSON) & Stream Object
➥ 20:58 Different JSON Streaming Ingestion Approaches
➥ 22:44 Snowflake JSON Streaming Best Practices
➥ 34:42 Different Type Of Streams (Insert/append/all) + JSON
➥ 36:00 Best Practices - JSON & CDC
➥ 37:39 Thank You Note & Disclaimer
🚀 🚀 Important Resources 🚀 🚀
➥ TopperTips Website 🌐 toppertips.com/
➥ SQL Scripts & JSON Files - 🌐 medium.com/@data-engineering-simplified/14a1154779…
🚀 🚀 JSON Processing In Snowflake Tutorial bit.ly/snowflake-json-playlist 🚀 🚀
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➥ Ch-11: Change Data (CDC) & JSON Processing In Snowflake • Change Data (CDC) & JSON Processing ... …
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