
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor | Michelle Yeoh vs. Jet Li in 4K HDR

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After centuries of waiting, the Dragon Emperor (Jet Li) and Zi Yuan (Michelle Yeoh) have their final showdown.

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Film Synopsis:
Brendan Fraser and Jet Li star in the action-packed adventure The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor! When a 2,000-year-old curse is broken, a ruthless dragon emperor (Li) comes back to life with a diabolical plan to enslave the world. Mankind’s only hope against him and his legions of undead warriors lies with the courageous O’Connell family, who chase him from the dangerous catacombs of China, to the icy Himalayas and beyond. Featuring intense battle sequences, breathtaking visual effects and extraordinary creatures, it’s a thrilling journey that Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times calls “the best in the series!”

© 2008 Universal Studios and Internationale Filmproduktion Blackbird Vierte GMbH & Co. KG All Rights Reserved.

Cast: Brendan Fraser, Jet Li, Maria Bello, Luke Ford, Michelle Yeoh
Directed by: Rob Cohen
Produced by: James Jacks, Sean Daniel, Bob Ducsay, Stephen Sommers

#UniversalPictures #TheMummy #BrendanFraser
