
Ep. 10 - Is College Still Worth It?

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On this episode, a Doctor is in the house! We invite Higher Education Scholar, STEM Advocate, Policy Enthusiast, and PhD Jared Avery to the studio to ask the all-important question, Is College still really worth it? 👨🏽‍🎓👩‍🎓 When you look at the wealth structure in our society, it appears college is the breeding ground for the workforce, not the business owner or entrepreneur. With the amount of the national debt accumulated by students, we have to wrestle with this topic and find some answers. It’s one thing to go to college, yet another to major in courses which allow you to make the salary post -graduation that will help pay back the significant debt you now owe. Something to think about for sure, AFTER you listen to the show of course! Tune in as Dr. Avery gives a history lesson on the education system.

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