
They Thought It Was a Rescue Mission, But an Alien Awaits

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A cloaked figure emerges: the Predator. Bullets whiz harmlessly by as it cloaks and uncloaks with horrifying speed. Dupree falls victim to the alien's attack. In a desperate move, Quinn activates the arm brace. A blast erupts, momentarily stunning the Predator and severing the hanging body.

Seizing the opportunity, Quinn flees, clutching the brace and a mysterious sphere it ejected.
A covert government team led by Traeger swoops in, securing the Predator and any salvageable wreckage. It's clear Traeger knows more about these extraterrestrial hunters than he lets on. Reaching a nearby town, Quinn clears a bar at gunpoint. He anonymously mails the bagged armor to his son, a heavy secret in transit. Left with the enigmatic sphere, Quinn makes a daring choice. He swallows it whole, anticipating the power it might hold.
