
Flip-Cock! The Winchester 1887 Shotgun

52071 1160________

Episode 016
In which we explore the ENTIRE STORY of The Terminator's iconic WINCHESTER 1887 SHOTGUN from Terminator 2!

🛒 TeePublic.com/user/tfor2show

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🔥 @Tfor2Show

00:00 Introduction
02:14 A Legend is Born!
04:42 The 1887 in T2
05:25 Modifications, pt 1
07:08 Terminating Myths: Guns N' Roses!
08:50 KABLOOIE! Sound Design
10:09 Load / ReLoad
11:18 Pocketful of Shells (Terminators On Parade)
12:31 FLIP-COCK!
15:12 Flip-Cocking for Dummies
17:25 Flip-Cocking Legends!
19:07 Back to T2
20:37 Come Again?
21:22 Weapons Training
22:44 The Props!
24:05 A Lasting Legacy
25:00 SHOTS FIRED: A Blast Tally!

• Featuring music by ‪@ShredGuy‬!
Check out ShredGuy's channel for more AWESOME music:
   / shredguy  

• Karl Casey ‪@WhiteBatAudio‬
   / whitebataudio  

Rattlesnake Railroad by Brett Van Donsel 2015 - @BVanDonsel


Tfor2 is a non-profit fan show created for private use only and is in no way intended for commercial enterprise of any kind. This fan production is not affiliated with -- and is neither sponsored nor approved by -- the current owners of the TERMINATOR franchise.

Tfor2 makes no claim to any characters, storylines, prop designs, names, logos, or situations that are trademarked, copyrighted, or otherwise protected by federal, state, international, or other intellectual property law. This work is produced solely for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of Your Uncle Casey and other fans of the TERMINATOR franchis
