
Top 7 Largest gold mines in the world 4K

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This video is about Top 7 Largest gold mines in the world 4K

01. Muruntau, Uzbekistan
The Muruntau mine in Uzbekistan is the largest gold mine in the world in terms of production. In a single year, Muruntau produces over 2 million ounces of gold. Located in the Qizilqum Desert of Uzbekistan, it is the world’s biggest open pit mine, hence making its physical size just as impressive as its material output.
The mine itself is roughly 3.3 km long, 2.5 km wide and 600 m deep, affording it a massive presence in the desert. Within this huge mine, there is believed to be over 150 million ounces of gold, therefore solidifying its top spot within the list of biggest gold mines in the world.

02. Carlin, USA
The Carlin trend mines which can be found in Nevada, USA, are unique for a few reasons. Firstly, it is a combination of mines along an extremely lengthy belt in Nevada, spanning around 56 km long and 8 km wide, allowing it to span an impressive distance.
However, the kind of gold found in the mine is known as invisible gold, making it a unique mine in itself. Invisible gold means that the gold is only discoverable through chemical analysis due to the microscopic nature of it. Regardless of the fact that it would appear that there is no gold present, the mine produces around 1,665 koz of gold per year.

03. Olimpiada, Russia
In third place on the list of biggest gold mines in the world is Olimpiada in Russia. This open-pit mine is mined by Polyus. To give you an idea of the amount of gold produced by this mine in particular, Polyus is Russia’s biggest gold producer.
It’s the world’s fourth biggest gold producer and the gold that they are able to retrieve from Olimipada accounts for almost half of Polyus’s gold production. There is thought to be around 30 million ounces of gold in the mine, with an annual production of 1,200 koz.

04. Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic
The Pueblo Viejo mine is mined by a gold mining company known as Pueblo Viejo Dominicana Corporation, a joint venture consisting of Barrick Gold and Newmont, who have a 60% to 40% split respectively. In 2020, this open-pit mine produced 903 koz of gold, an impressive output.

05. Grasberg, Indonesia
The underground mining of Grasberg is a huge operation as it has around 30,000 employees to work the mine that is located in the Papua region of Indonesia. Whilst gold production has been slowly decreasing over the past twenty years with the output being 3,500 koz in 2001 compared to 848 koz in 2021, it is still doing relatively well to place fifth on this list.

06. Cadia East, Australia
Despite being Australia’s biggest gold mine, Cadia East finds itself in 6th position on the list of biggest gold mines in the world. This mine system consists of the Cadia East Underground Panel Cave Mine as well as the Ridgeway Underground Mine, and has an annual production of around 823 koz.

07. Kibali, Democratic Republic of Congo
The Kibali gold mine is both an open pit mine and an underground mine operated by AngloGold Ashanti who owns 45%, Barrick Gold Corporation, who owns 45%, and Société Minière de Kilo-Moto, who owns 10%. The mine is located around 220 kilometer

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