
Comment Hitler a-t-il endoctriné le peuple allemand ? La propagande nazie [QdH#71]

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At the beginning of the 20th century, advances in mass media radically transformed the dissemination of ideas. Radio, cinema, and posters became communication tools of unprecedented power. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels grasped their full scope and developed a sprawling system of influence. The propaganda they implemented served first to gain power, and then, once in power, to shape German society according to their worldview. Let's revisit the methods of manipulation used by the Nazis and analyze the techniques that shaped one of the most effective—and destructive—propaganda campaigns in history.

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Miniature: Paul Cotoni - www.behance.net/pcotoni17111d

🔎 Bibliographic sources:

Peter Longerich, Goebbels, Tempus Perrin, 2015
Edward Bernays, Propaganda, Zones, 2007
Muriel Favre, Nazi Radio Propaganda, INA Editions, 2014
Johann Chapoutot, Nazism and Antiquity, PUF, 2019

🌐 Internet links:

The nature of total propaganda: shs.cairn.info/revue-germanica-2020-1-page-37?lang…
Nazi radio propaganda: journals.openedition.org/questionsdecommunication/…
The Jew Süss and Nazi propaganda. Confiscated History: journals.openedition.org/questionsdecommunication/…
Body, Culture, and Propaganda: hal.science/hal-02958424/document

🎶 Music credits:

Béla Bartok, Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta
Gustav Holst, Neptune
Max Richter, Shadow Journal
The Cinematic Orchestra, Reel Life (Evolution II)
Hans Zimmer, The Thin Red Line OST

Sound effects: Freesound.org

Thank you for watching!

00:00 - Introduction
01:31 – Odoo Partnership
03:49 – Mass Manipulation until 1914
08:19 – First World War & Bolshevik Revolution
11:25 – The Visual and Symbolic Universe of the Nazis
13:49 – The Power of Discourse
15:13 – Hitler's Rise
19:45 – The Subjugation of Society
22:16 – Art Under Control
25:33 – Nazi Cinema
29:29 – Reclaimed Sport
31:22 – The Hitler Youth
32:44 – The "German Miracle"
34:16 – Conclusion
35:56 - O
