传统蒸鸡蛋糕 | 改良食谱、新做法,成品超松软,隔夜不变硬… | Traditional Steamed Cake
传统蒸鸡蛋糕 | 新食谱、新做法,成品超松软,隔夜不变硬… | Traditional Steamed Cake
3 Eggs 鸡蛋
160g Sugar 白糖
240g Plain Flour 普通中筋面粉
60g Corn Starch 玉米淀粉
180ml Hundred Plus 一百号汽水
美味蘑菇包 | 独家食谱分享,简易美味,带上班上学特别方便 | Steamed Mushroom Buns
◆ Ingredients 食材 ◆
【 For Filling 内馅食材 】
*2 Whole Chicken Thighs 全鸡腿
*Dash Of Salt 少许盐
*10g Diced Garlic 蒜泥
1 Tsp Cooking Oil 食用油
1 Onion 洋葱
1 tsp Bk Pepper 黑胡椒
180g~220g Creamy Chicken Mushroom 奶油鸡肉蘑菇汤
【 For Flour Skin 包子皮用料 】
300g Plain Flour 中筋面粉
30g Sugar 白糖
3g Instant Yeast 酵母
3g Baking Powder 泡打粉
170g Warm Milk 温牛奶
20g Lard 猪油
*20g Cocoa Powder 可可粉
*4 tbsp Boiling Water 沸水
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