
Hazrat Ali K Farman || Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai

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Welcome to SunnahStars! 🌟 Join Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai and Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri on a transformative journey guided by Islamic wisdom🌙
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*Video Title: Hazrat Ali K Farman: Mola Ali K Aqwal Aur Hazrat Ali Ki Shan by Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai*

*Video Description:*

*Assalamu Alaikum, dear viewers of Sunnah Stars!* 🌟

Join us in this *inspiring bayan by Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai* 🌹, where we explore the *profound wisdom and noble character of Hazrat Ali (R.A.)* 🏹, also known as *Mola Ali Sher-e-Khuda* 🦁. This video delves into his *timeless Aqwal (sayings)* 📜 and his *esteemed status in Islam* 📖.

*Aqwal of Hazrat Ali (R.A.):* Discover the *timeless wisdom* in Mola Ali's quotes 💬.
*Hazrat Ali Ki Shan:* Learn about Hazrat Ali's *virtues and status* as mentioned in the *Quran and Hadith* 🕌.
*Quranic and Hadith References:* Enriched with *authentic references* that highlight Hazrat Ali's *life and teachings* 📚.

0:00 - Introduction 🌟
2:15 - Importance of Hazrat Ali's Teachings 📚
5:30 - Hazrat Ali's Wisdom and Quotes 💬
10:00 - Hazrat Ali in Quran and Hadith 📖
15:45 - Mola Ali Sher-e-Khuda 🦁
20:00 - Spiritual Lessons from Hazrat Ali 🕌
25:30 - Stories from Hazrat Ali's Life 📜
30:00 - Hazrat Ali's Role in Early Islam 🌿
35:45 - Practical Applications of Hazrat Ali's Teachings 🏹
40:00 - Conclusion and Final Thoughts 🌺
42:00 - Prayers for Palestinian Brothers and Sisters 🙏

#MolaAliKAqwal #HazratAliKiShan #MuhammadRazaSaqibMustafai #SunnahStars #IslamicBayan #ShereKhudaQuotes #IslamicWisdom

*Hazrat Ali Quotes**, **Hazrat Ali Aqwal**, **Mola Ali Farman**, **Ali Sher-e-Khuda**, **Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai Bayan**, **Islamic teachings**, **Hazrat Ali in Quran**, **Hazrat Ali in Hadith**, **Islamic wisdom* 🌿.

*Greeting and Thanks:*

*Dear Subscribers,*

*Assalamu Alaikum!* 🌺 *Thank you for your continuous support* 💖. We hope this video *enriches your knowledge and spirituality* 🌟. Please share to spread the *light of Islamic teachings* 🕊️.

*Remember our Palestinian brothers and sisters in your prayers* during these difficult times 🙏.

*Warm regar
