
한일커플이 잘쓴템들 모아모아 돈키호테 추천템 모음.zip🛍️ (일본 현지 sns핫한 품절대란템, 흔템ㄴㄴ 찐템ㅇㅇ💸)

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We made a video of the products we recommend buying at Don Quijote, which you requested a lot.
We almost used 600,000 won because there were so many we'd like to recommend.
These are products recommended by Tomo, who is a real Japanese, and me, who has lived in Japan for six years.
I hope this helps!
If there are other videos you'd like to watch, please leave a comment!
Have a good day, then!💗💗

▶︎ instagram :

▶︎ contact : zzangtomo@gmail.com

Track : Hemio - Origami
Music by Hemio
Follow Artist : youtube.com/user/FVGozak
Music Promoted by DayDreamSound    • Video  
