Building the Ultimate Workout Tracker with React Native & MongoDB
Let's build a full-stack fitness app to track your workouts using React Native, Expo, MongoDB, IBM Stepzen, and GraphQL.
This tutorial is sponsored by ✨IBM StepZen✨ - a GraphQL server with a unique architecture that helps developers build APIs fast and with less code
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In this video, we'll dive deep into the world of app development, guiding you through the process of building a fitness app that is both highly interactive and easy to use. From configuring your development environment to building a fully functional fitness tracker, we'll guide you through every step. Learn how to use the power of IBM Stepzen, MongoDB, GraphQL, and React Native to revolutionise fitness tracking!
2️⃣ Watch part 2 here: youtube.com/live/7MbFDnR_6HM
❗Try our FREE 4-day Masterclass on notJust.Academy:
✨ Asset Bundle: assets.notjust.dev/workouts
⌨️ Source code: github.com/notJust-dev/Workouts
This video includes a lot of tools and technologies, providing an excellent opportunity to learn about:
Setting up the Development Environment
Understanding the App Structure and Workflow
Designing the User Interface with React Native
Implementing Navigation between Screens
Integrating MongoDB Database with a React Native App
Creating and Managing User Workouts
Visualizing Progress with Graphs and Charts
Building a GraphQL API with IBM Stepzen
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0:00 Intro and Project Overview
2:58 Setting up and initialising the project
10:23 Styling in React Native
13:33 Importing and Displaying Data
30:41 FlatList and Custom Components
52:06 Setting up Expo Router for navigation
1:06:22 Exercise Details Implementation
1:42:31 Expo Router Slot Explanation
1:56:33 Backend Architecture Explained. StepZen Installation
2:00:30 Setting up the GraphQL API with IBM StepZen
2:13:21 Enhancing and Testing the GraphQL API
2:23:36 Using React Query to query the GraphQL API
3:06:21 Workout Logger Features
3:18:03 MongoDB setup and Integratio
3:58:56 Outro
Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #mongodb #reactnative