How Resident Evil 7 Saved Resident Evil
DX returns to tell the story of Resident Evil 7's (RE7) development cycle and how one game stands as the foundation for Capcom's most recent successes.
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#RE7 #Capcom #ResidentEvil
Sources: Resident Evil 1 & Tomb Raider Sales Figures: archive.org/details/guinness1999book00slgu/page/17…
Silent Hill Sales Figures: web.archive.org/web/20090324104620/http://platform…
Resident Evil 5 & 6 Sales Figures: web.archive.org/web/20140708155350/http://www.capc…
For an even greater understanding of RE7's dev cycle, refer to:
Resident Evil 7 Document File
Pete Fabiano's Resident Evil 7 GDC Presentation: • Reliving the Horror: Taking Resident ...
0:00 Intro
0:56 Chapter 1: Biohazard
4:48 Chapter 2: Problem Solver
9:40 Chapter 3: Reach For The Moon
12:27 Chapter 4: Echo
15:57 Chapter 5: Say Cheese
20:04 Chapter 6: Waterfall
26:00 Chapter VII
30:50 Outro