
Dharan Hospital 18th Anniversary Celebrations - 2024

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Dharan Hospital's 18th Anniversary Celebrations happened in "Dharan Health Institute" in a grand way. Hospital Consultants, Surgeons, Medical and Non-Medical Staff joined hands with Dharan Health Institute Students and rendered awesome group performances. Earlier Dharan Management Inaugurated the event by stepping into the "18th Year of Medical Services" to the human community. Awards and Rewards to deserving Staff and Students were distributed. Now, Dharan Hospital is a Multispeciality Healthcare Service with a facility of 300+ Beds, 30+ core specialties, ICU, NICU, Radiology and Radiation Therapy, CATH Lab, IVF Lab, Hematology Lab, Pathology Lab, Molecular & Microbiology Lab with 24 X 7 Services of Casualty, and Pharmacy in our Unit. At this stage, we thank the human community for their great support and expect the same in forthcoming years.

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