
Charismatic Magnetic Personality

16580 710________

Having Charisma A Dynamic Personality Is Not Just About Making Friends Or Influencing People.

The Building Of A Personality Beyond It's Normal Limitations.

Irresistible Personal Magnetism.

Raising The Bar On Performance To A Higher Standard.

Back from the Vault A blast from the Past.

Video visuals changes No
Audio changes Yes Replaced original music with new updated Psy Trance House Music @ 6+ Minutes.
Reason- Back ground music license issue

►Positive Spoken Subliminal Messages In Upbeat Music Below The Normal Range Of Hearing.

◈I am charismatic.

◈I am easy going & fun to be around.

◈I have a dynamic personality total confidence healthy self image.

◈I have a magnetic personality it radiates in all directions.

◈I am charming & appealing to others.

◈I radiate a warm & friendly attitude.

◈I have a pleasing tone of voice calm friendly soothing cheerful & easy going.

◈I am unique and have my own personal style i go out of my way to help others.

◈People Find Me Fascinating.

◈People Like Being Around Me.

◈People see me as a positive personality & force.

◈I have a strong incredible presence.

◈I am positive self expression.

◈I am genuine authentic.

◈I am very happy being myself and it shows.

◈I have high self esteem.

◈You have an attractive smile.

◈I am at ease in all situations.

◈People find me interesting.

◈I am charming enchanting & fascinating.

◈You are magnetic you radiate the presence of now.

◈I am powerful whole & complete within myself.

◈I attract healthy positive people.

◈I radiate good vibrations.

◈You are charismatic.

◈I have the ability to Lead persuade inspire & influence people with my positive energy.

◈I thrive in social situations people are drawn to me & find me irresistible.

◈I like people & people like me.

◈I have a powerful presence cool confidence & irresistible charm this brings a healthy permanent change in my life.

◈People love me and accept me for who I am.

◈I feel good about myself.

◈You draw out the best in others.

◈I have my being in the world with ease.

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Listening Instructions-

2-3 Times Day Or Night For Three Months

🎧 Earphones Are Optional

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Riding On the Waves
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