
Heat Pumps are Not Hard: Here's what it will take to start pumping

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Is this the last video on heat pumps? Well, for a while anyway. This isn't a complete picture by any means, but I hope that you leave this video with the knowledge that this future is well within our grasp.

Hey! There's now a PLAYLIST with all the heat pump videos. You can find it with this clicky thing:
   • Heat Pumps  

Technology Connextras (the second channel that stuff goes on sometimes):
   / @technologyconnextras  

And check out these cool people!
Smith8154 , Kenneth Siewers Møller, jacob kamphaus, Slysdexia , HurleyPotter, Tommy McCarthy, Andrew Bobulsky, On Ice Perspectives, TheGreatCO , Petteri Hjort, Polaris, Nathan Obuchowski, Shaun Puzon, Vlycop, Devon Hodgson, Zimpan , Filmmaker IQ, Jan Houben, Bren Ehnebuske, T.J. Zientek, Vernon , Ton Brands, Scott Wright, Kory Howard, rezonant , Thanasis Dimas, Adam Quartarolo, Marc Grondin, HexTheDragon, Craig Kollai, Daniel Barrera, Erkin Alp Güney, Mark Stradling, Peter Sodke, Dee Dub, joseph , Kristian Scheibe, BigMcLargehuge510, Nick , The Orangewalled, Chris Cody, Jason Portwood, Chad Fertig, Joseph Houghtaling, Ben Tucci, Josh Braun, Ellie Dugger, Christopher Lowell, Oleg Korsunskiy, Michael Sacchi, Ali Elam, Dan Allen, Zhenbang Xiao, Markus Towara, Barky doggo, Ectra , Reid Fishler, Daniel Meagher, Joel , Clemens , Bill Bates, Dennis Walsh, Alex Warren, Paul Robins, Michael Gernoth, Les , Keenan Finucan, Ian Clanton-Thuon, Ryan Pratt, Paul Newton, Greg Golds, Gopher on the Road, aceat64, Ben Ratner, WildMartin, Paul Sharp, Craig Brickey, Zidy , Brandon , Karl Kornel, Danila Fediashchin, Adam , Ryan Kamphuis, WB , AmbientCyan , Sam Calandra, Miezensortierer, Will Preston, Christopher Olson, Kor Nielsen, Adrian Hunziker, Jacob Ford, Stephen Amar, GmCity , Andy24x, David Jeroslow, Charles MacDonald, Tim Jones, Crisco762 , Phil E, Jack Mudge, Ian Spence, Mike A, Leslie Deana, hipp1eguy , shacklesburst, Justin Derleth, NEON725, Emily Eisenberg, Tinker, Bard , Megan Lovett, LGR, kn0tsin , David Wulff, FirstWizardZorander, Paul Kavanagh, Isaac Clarke, Sean Hearrell, selectric, Keithius , Seb Bacanu, Mauricio , Hunter Thornsberry, Austin C Borger, Gabe Cook, Anapan, Hodgkin LeBlanc, Michael Snow, Sonic Ether, mike quick, Calisto, Adam , Lucas , Daniel Kraut, John de Largentaye, Peter Hillier, PeterH , William Holt, Ethan Hamel, Grant Campau, Michael Dunn, Kenny, Ugi Kutluoglu, Richard Hicks, Atlas Pup, Mike Roach, Matthew Schwartz, gs , ashka , Mr. Yan, Matthias Feist, adan c, Thomas Fuchs, Markus Wüst, Alan Holland, Dan Boulden, Phiroze Dalal, Devin Rosenthal, electronicMe, G Cowell

00:00 Intro
01:02 Recap on why heat pumps are important
02:20 Insulate, Insulate, Insulate
08:16 What getting a heat pump is like
09:02 Ductless mini- and multi-split systems
15:15 Air-to-water heat pumps
18:15 The US is largely all set for heat pumps
19:40 Except... the equipment we can get isn't great
20:49 VRF systems and an outstanding performer
22:38 Things are starting to get better in the US...
24:42 But why have they been so bad for so long?
27:18 Getting a cold-climate heat pump is difficult
27:56 Price gouging
32:43 Pricing obfuscation and where to go from here
33:53 Ductwork challenges
37:33 Ambient noise concerns
40:29 A look at some packaged units
45:05 Jazzy bloopers
