Why Christian & Jewish Scholars Rejected Muhammad ﷺ Prophethood - Q&A with Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy
Assalamu aleikum brothers and sisters, in today's video, we explore why some Christian & Jewish scholars rejected Muhammad ﷺ despite knowing the truth. Stay tuned.
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00:00 Intro
01:26 What did the Prophet (pbuh) looked like?
02:34 Why did the Christian and Jewish schollars of that time not believe in him?
04:26 Is there a moment when the Messenger of Allah was almost killed?
05:56 Can you tell us one miracle that he showed to prove his prophethood?
07:13 The Prophet (pbuh) also suffered great calamities. Which period do you think was the heaviest one for him?
08:50 What was the happiest day of Prophet (pbuh)?
09:24 Who did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) loved the most?
10:20 What advices do you think he would give to the muslim world?
13:17 How did the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) die, and what was his last words?
14:04 If you were given one minute in a super bowl commercial to tell millions of people about Prophet (pbuh), what would you tell them?