The HEALTH Benefits of Truly Free-Range Eggs
What don't you know about eggs? You're about to find out! Join Megan Raff, co-owner of Dare to Dream Farms in Lompoc, California, as she shares the numerous benefits of consuming eggs from truly free-range chickens. Megan discusses why free-range eggs have superior nutritional quality compared to store-bought ones, highlighting their higher vitamin and omega-3 content, and lower cholesterol. Discover the essence of the backyard chicken revolution and its impact on health, community, and sustainable farming.
00:00 The Power of Eggs: Nutrition and Benefits
00:22 Meet the Farmers: Our Journey into Farming
01:13 The Superiority of Free-Range Eggs
01:52 The Beginnings of Life: Why Eggs are Super
02:25 Our Accidental Start in Farming
02:44 The Joy of Raising Chickens
03:18 Diverse Breeds, Diverse Eggs
03:46 Building a Sustainable Community
04:17 The Essence of American Farming
04:40 Egg Washing Techniques
05:30 How to Test Egg Freshness
06:01 The Importance of Buying Local Eggs
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