
How-To Spool a Spinning Reel

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One of the most critical steps to reducing line twists and line management issues is correctly spooling your spinning reel. In this Tackle Warehouse How-To video, Jake Cotta goes over the proper steps and procedures to put line on your spinning reel correctly and showcases a few line spooling devices that will help with the headache of twisted line while out on the water. Make sure to keep it locked-in to the Tackle Warehouse VLOG page to get more exclusive content, firsthand angler insight, and the best products at the best prices.

For a step-by-step instructional article on Spooling a Spinning Reel click here 👉 bit.ly/3qVjFE3

► Featured Tackle & Gear ◄

All Line Spooling Devices - bit.ly/3okOoYx
American Premier Ultimate Line Winding System - bit.ly/396XIJ4
Berkley Portable Fishing Line Spooler Max - bit.ly/3pV3ap1
Kevin VanDam's Fishing Line & Lure Conditioner - bit.ly/38p87Rn
Tackle Warehouse Microfiber Bait Towel - bit.ly/38kv2NB
Tackle Warehouse Boomerang Long Snip Line Cutter - bit.ly/396L8JF

Helping anglers understand the basics and fundamentals, the Tackle Warehouse How-To series provides a foundation for anglers to learn all the essential skills needed for bass fishing. Covering everything from knots, rigging, storage, bait modifications and much much more, our How-To series will give you the confidence that you need to catch more fish. Constantly delivering original and informative content, Tackle Warehouse is dedicated to bringing your fishing to the next level with the best gear at the best prices.

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