
Facts About The Most Dangerous Predator Of The Ocean

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One day, a nine-meter-long Miocene whale was swimming in the ancient ocean. Suddenly, it was attacked by a huge predator. The aggressor was twice as large as the whale and acted directly, not trying to reach the softer tissues of the stomach. It immediately sank its teeth into the rigid upper spine and rib cage. The powerful jaws closed with a force of about 20 tons, breaking the victim's huge skeleton. The whale didn't have a chance, with its lungs punctured and spine broken, it quickly became another prey for the prehistoric monster.
You're certainly wondering what kind of predator it was, how it lived, and what it ate. Does it live now and can it attack a human? The answers to these questions are not easy to find, but we did our best and made it for you. We have collected all the most important and interesting facts about this predator in this video. It was a giant ancient shark - Megalodon.


#reyouniverse #megalodon
