Así retumban los Trenes Más Pesados de México en Ferromex!
Unit trains are a fundamental and majority part of freight transport by rail, as they travel hundreds of kilometers without making intermediate movements, directly from point A to point B, some require up to 5 locomotives in operation! But how much do they weigh?
I'll explain it to you while we look at the beautiful postcards they leave behind as they pass through the north of the country.
00:00 Intro
00:40 Bulk train, 4 locomotives.
Ferromex 4801
Ferromex 4809
GECX 4579 (ex BNSF 4579)
Ferromex 4017
04:08 The heaviest train, 5 locomotives.
Ferromex 4112
Ferromex 4846
Ferrosur 4126 (Failed)
GECX 4523 (ex BNSF 4523)
BNSF 6198
08:03 The lightest, 3 locomotives.
Ferromex 4840
Ferromex 4811
BNSF 5924
11:33 Roaring locomotives, bulk train
Ferromex 4820
Ferromex 4824
Ferromex 4614
Ferromex 4681
15:14 Photographs.