
What Really Happens After Your Last Breath (no bs)

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Everything is energy. What if the afterlife is not the end but the beginning of something extraordinary? In this video, we explore hidden wisdom from the Tibetan Book of the Dead and Egyptian Book of the Dead, uncovering secrets about the soul’s journey after death. Discover how ancient cultures prepared for the ultimate transition, and how modern science validates their profound insights.

Through real stories, expert analysis, and groundbreaking research, we bridge ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science. Learn about the Bardos, near-death experiences, and the transformational power of consciousness.
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Video Timestamps
[00:00] Introduction – What happens after death?
[02:30] Ancient Death Guides – Wisdom from Tibetan and Egyptian texts.
[08:00] Near-Death Experiences – Stories and science.
[15:00] Science Meets Spirituality – Consciousness and quantum physics.
[22:00] Lessons for Life – Insights from ancient practices.
[30:00] Preparing for Death – Practical steps for transformation.
[40:00] Final Thoughts – Changing how we live and face the unknown.
[45:00] Call to Action – Subscribe, join, and explore more.
📚 Sources 📚
Parnia, S., & Young, J. B. (2014). Erasing death: The science that is rewriting the boundaries between life and death. HarperOne.
Tibetan Book of the Dead. (2005). The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo. Penguin Classics.
Egyptian Book of the Dead. (1972). The Book of Coming Forth by Day. Dover Publications.
Tucker, J. B. (2005). Life before life: A scientific investigation of children's memories of previous lives. St. Martin's Press.
Greyson, B. (2010). The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation. Praeger Publishers.
Keywords (ignore)
afterlife, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Egyptian Book of the Dead, near-death experiences, life after death, consciousness, spiritual transformation, ancient wisdom, meditation, death guides, soul journey, quantum physics, science and spirituality, Bardo Thodol, life purpose, death preparation, reincarnation, spiritual awakening, ancient cultures, modern science, spiritual truth, death and dying, existential
