
No Hands Needed: Quilting with Prostitcher Automation!

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A few weeks ago, I took the plunge and bought Prostitcher for my Handiquilter Amara...and let me tell you, I've run that machine more in the past few weeks than I think I have since I bought it! For a girl who loves to quilt and has a passion for technology, this is RIGHT up my alley! Join me in a small video where I show you start to finish how I quilted a jelly roll race my mom & I did together last year!

💻 Links to things I mentioned in the Video:
➝ Red Snappers: amzn.to/4htUGB7
➝ Quilters Dream Bamboo Batting: shrsl.com/4qo3y
➝ Rainbows & Hearts Pantograph: prostitcher.com/shop/heart-clams-e2e/

💌 How to Find Me
➝ Website: www.sewbecca.com/
➝ VIP Membership: www.sewbecca.com/join-vip
➝ Etsy Shop: sewbeccashop.etsy.com/
➝ Email: becca@sewbecca.com
➝ Mail: 12849 Galveston Ct. Box 401; Manassas, VA 20112
➝ Instagram: www.instagram.com/sewbecca/
➝ TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@sewbecca
➝ Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/sewbeccafriends/

🛒Affiliate Links
➝ AccuQuilt: shrsl.com/3yahx
➝ Amazon: amzn.to/3QmU1WV
➝ Annie's Kit Clubs: shrsl.com/3yahr
➝ Connecting Threads: shrsl.com/3yahm
➝ Cutterpillar: www.cutterpillar.com/?ref=sewbecca (use SEWBECCA for 15% off!)
➝ Fat Quarter Shop: shrsl.com/3dzlu
➝ Juki Junkies: jukijunkies.com/ref/Sewbecca/
➝ Legit Kits: shrsl.com/3zjgb
➝ Missouri Star Quilt Co: glnk.io/mzmmj/sewbecca
➝ Purple Hobbies: www.purplehobbies.com/ (use SEWBECCA for 20% off!)
➝ Sewing by Sarah: sewingbysarah.com/?aff=30 (use SEWBECCA for 20% off!)
➝ Sewing Machines Plus: shrsl.com/3yai0

#quilting #prostitcher #longarmquilting
